Sponsors and Collaborators

We are proud to collaborate on this incredible initiative that raises the profile of young people as peacebuilders, particularly in the US. No doubt, with our member network of more than 130 organizations, we will be able expand the reach and awareness of YPA with the public, policymakers, and organizations supporting quality peace education in action.

— Liz Hume, CEO and President, Alliance for Peacebuilding

  • 20+ Districts in Rotary Zones 33 & 34

    Peace and Conflict Prevention and Resolution is one of Rotary International’s Seven Areas of Focus, with a goal of supporting peacebuilding in communities. In 2021-22, more than 20 Districts in Zones 33 & 34 came together as a collective founding sponsor of YPA. They were joined by pilot Districts in Ohio and Alabama. Together, they leveraged eight years of peace education, training and mentoring experience from implementing partner NewGen Peacebuilders.

  • Alliance for Peacebuilding

    Alliance for Peacebuilding is a nonpartisan network of 130+ organizations working to end conflict and build peace. Members include the world’s largest and most influential development organizations, academic institutions, and humanitarian and faith-based groups. In 2022/23, the Alliance collaborated with NewGen Peacebuilders to make My Peacebuilder Foundations (MPF) free for the first 1,000 schools that sign up.

  • Institute for Economics and Peace

    The Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP) is the world’s leading think tank dedicated to developing metrics to analyze peace and quantify its economic value. The IEP Positive Peace Academy provides knowledge and a neutral baseline from which to create practical approaches to peaceful societal change.

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